
FHUNYUE GAO - Performance

Fhunyue Gao works like a chameleon in the field of the Arts Vivants in order to create a body of work that serves the themes of the piece as a whole. This can range from performance, dance, music, writing, lighting, scenography, costumes, installations, cooking, organising events. Her focus is on a working ethic that merges different art forms to create sensorial and visually strong works.

Often plunged between the institutionalised and the underground scene she loves to collaborate with others and works like Dreams of Sleep and Wakes of Sound, When a dragon swallows the sun, Boxing Duo, META, Planimetrie, FLOUR, Snare, KRR, played in different theatres and festivals in Switzerland.

As a autodidact musician/thereminist she plays in the band J.A.W.I.S. that she founded with Annalena Fröhlich in 2016, on solo projects, creates music for theatre/performance pieces, and is part of the Bongo Joe Records shop family.As a performer and dancer she worked for different companies and artists such as, among others: deRothfils, Unplush, The Scottish dance Theatre, Damien Jalet, Cie Ko Murobushi & Edge, Emma Murray, Company Joshua Monten, Company Idem, Damotus, Bern Ballett, The Hamburg Ballet as a student.